Friday, February 4, 2011

Grand opening of my blog.

Well this is not only my first blog post, but also my first blog.  Here it is 2011 and I am blogging.  Whats next? Anyway, just figured I could write down some observations from my pursuit of great beer and BBQ.  Today I learned that one of my favorite beers, Oskar Blues Gordon, has been renamed to G'Knight.  Why you ask?  Because some big corporation happens to have the same name Gordon in their name, along with another word (german for beer).  They decided to pressure financial distress on Oskar Blues if they did not change the name.  I guess all dudes named Gordon should watch out.
Lets have a beer, I am having a Gordon.
Peace Out.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow, looks like I need to stop eating there, I thought it was a decent place, even if the beer was a little subpar.
